In my regularly updated blog, I discuss the different types of business law services I provide. Learn what documents are needed to start a business, how I can help with debt collection, what factors you should consider when your company is facing legal action, and much more. Then, contact me to schedule a complimentary Legal Strategy Session.
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Confessions of Judgment - A Scary New Trick of the Trade?Last week, Bloomberg Businessweek featured an article on the use of Confessions of Judgment against small businesses. According to the article, companies like ABC Merchant Solutions are using confessions of judgment to cause havoc on small businesses who have borrowed money. The article focuses on New York, which still allows them to be used for …
Pandemic Business Creation: Americans Are Still Starting BusinessesPandemic business has continued to grow in 2020. Despite all of the COVID concerns, millions of Americans are launching new businesses.
Sunday Night is the New Monday Morning? I Hope Not...Sunday Night is becoming the new Monday morning for many people. Instead of dreading Monday morning, their work is creeping into the end of the weekend.
Travel DaysI’ve spent most of the past week on the road at a conference. Although I travel for court appearances and client meetings, spending this much time on the road for a conference was a different experience. Preparing to leave, I was very nervous about being away from either office for an extended period of time. …
Printing Electronically Stored Information For a Lawsuit is a Waste of TimeIf your documents are electronically stored information, printing them out to provide to the other side in a lawsuit is a waste of everyone's time.
Plans to Help You Keep Your Company AfloatKeeping your company afloat is quickly becoming the day-to-day challenge facing many small businesses. HBR offers a plan for the next 5 days...
Factors to Consider When Expanding Your Business With OutsourcingOutsourcing can be a great way to grow your business in 2020 and beyond - it can alleviate a lot of the time pressures for you as the owner of a business.
Travel DayOne of the challenges of having two offices separated by 1,000+ miles is the travel between the two. For the past few years, I’ve spent plenty of time in the air traveling. The journey can be great, or it can be very stressful. A Smooth Travel Day One of the best ways to make the …
Managing Your Team In The Age of Social DistancingSocial distancing has become the mandate in most places and it's a new challenge for business owners to manage their teams in this new work climate.
Prioritize Sleep: A Good Way To Make Sure You Stay Healthy...As we deal with all the daunting COVID-19 news, it can be tough to think about how to prioritize sleep, but it's more important than ever...
Better Business Decisions: Eight Steps for Making ThemMaking better business decisions is a common goal of most business owners. Here's 8 steps to help you improve your process.
Hoping for that Equifax Settlement Money? Not So Fast...It has been just 2 weeks since they announced the Equifax settlement, but it appears that consumer won't actually get the cash option that was offered.