Our series of free reports, Excerpts from Edina, are aimed at helping business owners and their families navigate the challenges of starting a business and planning for the future.
If you're an entrepreneur, you know that there's an overwhelming amount of information out there about trying to help you run your business. My bookshelves are filled with books on marketing, business plans, office management, legal compliance and other issues that confront us all as business owners. To help with a short resource for business owners, I've put together a Small Business Handbook for 2022 covering a variety of topics you may confront in areas like,
- Planning for Your Business
- Your Corporate Documents
- Corporate Collections
- Business Contracts
These areas will help you answer some common questions that business owners have when they meet with me to help them start up and grow their businesses. This collection of topics touches on a variety of those questions in short chapters designed to work as a quick guide for you to navigate the issues you face without overwhelming you with information on topics that aren't relevant to you or your business.
Get Your Complimentary Copy
If you'd like a copy of the handbook, just fill out the form below and you'll get an electronic copy of the report emailed to you.
If you've got more questions about business law or you're ready to get started forming and launching your business, let's set up a Legal Strategy Session and help you understand the best options for you.