Every year, thousands of people like you spend time thinking about launching their dream business. They are sick of their "9 to 5" job and are looking for something more interesting and engaging. Often, it is a passion for something that they think would make a good business, but they aren't sure what the next steps are. Starting a business sounds intimidating. It's for that other guy who has an MBA from a fancy business school. This is often the first time they've experienced business law.
But you should know it doesn't have to be intimidating. There is a path for you to launch that dream business of yours.
This free report is adapted from a series of videos on the Business Lifecycle that are designed to help guide you through the journey of a small business owner:
- Choosing a Name
- Choosing Owners
- Choosing a Corporate Form
- Setting Your Lineup
- Initial Filings
- Agreements
- Corporate Resolutions
- Employees
- Annual Meetings
When you're ready to get started, there's a Corporate Formation Checklist at the end of the book to help you make sure you're starting off at the right place and you've got all of the information you need to make the initial decisions.
Once you've completed the Business Lifecycle, your business is established and ready to grow and thrive. As you continue to grow, you'll want to also make sure to protect your personal legacy as well through estate planning, so there's a bonus chapter on the importance of Estate Planning for Business Owners.
Get Your Complimentary Book
Want to learn more? Fill out the form below to request a free copy of The Business Lifecycle: A Journey Through Your Business and a copy will be sent to you.
As you reach the end of the book, you'll also see the exclusive link for a complimentary call with me to discuss your Dream Business and I encourage you to get that on our calendars so we can discuss where you are in the process and what are the next steps we can take to make sure you can launch and grow the business of your dreams.