A big “thank you” to everyone who attended our first Solos Moving Forward Together Summit on Friday. In the end, we had over 100 attorneys from Minnesota converge on the conference in Bloomington. As those who attended know, space may have been a bit cramped, but the topics covered brought out some good discussions. Hopefully, those who attended got some good tips to take with them back to the office today.

Unfortunately, there was an issue with the printing of the handout materials. It’s definitely something we all were aware of and we’ll need to fix it if we put on another conference next year. Even though the panels were made with the intent of attendees being able to take notes without needing a handout, I wanted to provide the handouts for those who were interested. The handouts also have the contact information for the presenters. Feel free to reach out to them if you have other questions or thoughts you would like to share.

10:05 Breakout B – Physical v. Virtual Offices

In our packed conference room, we had a good discussion about the differences between a physical office, a virtual office and a hybrid office that takes the advantages of both.

  • Inna Telkova told us about the virtual office model.
  • Tanner Moe gave us the perspective of a law firm with a physical office.

If you would like a copy of the handout for this session, please click here.

11:05 Breakout D – Filling Up the Slow Times

Our second panel was equally intimate as the 10:05 panel and we had an enjoyable and vibrant discussion about a variety of things that you can do when times are slow at the office. For this panel, Theresa Johnson and Joe Vaccaro brought us some great tips on ways to keep your office growing when the phone isn’t ringing.

If you would like a copy of the handout for this session, please click here.

Kristen Haugen presented an elimination of bias presentation to a packed room.

Matt Ludt stressed the importance of a strong intake process.

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